Monday, February 25, 2008

Assignment #2

MSHA Approves First Wireless Tracking System

Part #1
MSHA’s Newsroom

Part #2
My first article shows all positive aspects of the new MineTracer technology. It shows how effective and important the wireless tracking system will benefit the underground coal miners and ensure safety. It enables the location of miners (wirelessly), enables communication through the system, and enables environmental monitoring all in one tracking device.

My second article was positive and neutral. It went more into depth of why the wireless tracking system is needed and stated the fatalities, which had to occur in order for some kind of new technology to be produced and passed. I would say this article is positive in the same way the last article was by stating the advantages it has for miners underground. This article states it has a battery power for up to 48 hours to track miners after power has been shut off in the situation of an emergency.

Article 1
Source: LexisNexis

Article 2
Source: Google,5143,695249435,00.html

Part #3

I found my press release on the Mine Safety and Health Administration website and actually had read the press release before we received our assignment. I started my research with the LexisNexis database and found an article related to the press release, I then looked on Google and found four more articles (I chose the best one!).

I think the news release that MSHA produced was very effective making it newsworthy, especially after the tragedies at Sago and Crandall Canyon Mines. In the second article I posted, it referred to the press release by MSHA, stating information from it. The first article aimed more towards the technology of the wireless tracking system and the features it has, as well as the role of the Miner Act. The second article aimed more towards the purpose of why underground miners need this wireless tracking system, including the installation cost.

Quotes used in the articles were very effective and believable. In the first article, dealing with the wireless tracking system itself, it quoted the Venture’s Wireless Sensor Networks R&D manager, Jim Barrett, on what the system is. He also makes the point to say that, “ [The] system infrastructure as approved by MSHA today addresses the MINER Act requirements.” In the second article it quotes assistant secretary, Richard Stickler on how/why this system is being made today.

My overall thoughts was the impact that a press release can have and how it can produce newsworthy stories and in turn have articles written about the subject holds truth to “a tool in driving strong media attention.”

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Katie Jo Matekovic
Assignment #1
Positioning Paper

My passion is to one-day work for the Mine Safety and Health Administration in a Public Relations position. I worked at UtahAmerican Energy Inc. as a student intern for the summer of 2007, and began to love the work I did. I worked in the department of Human Resources doing mostly clerical computer work and research projects with mining engineers to see how we could make our mines safer. My main research project was pre-operational checks, which was to make sure miners were driving safe vehicles into the mine equipped with everything they needed, from tools to a fire extinguisher.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics earnings are higher than the average in the coalmine industry. There were also approximately 619,000 wage and salary jobs in the mining industry in 2006.

I have experienced working with MSHA employees as well as assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health, Richard Stickler.

MSHA currently does not have a specific Public Relations title and job description, which I highly think they need to. Research on the website on the particular title of Public Relations came with no results. MSHA is an industry where media and communication to the public is so eminent. I believe they need someone experienced with not only the knowledge and education of PR, but a mining background as well.

In part of the mission statement of MSHA it reads, “to promote improved safety and health conditions in the nation’s mines.” I would like to be one of those people that promote improved safety and health conditions and make sure this is what MSHA is living up to.


The spring I graduate in 2009, I hope to obtain an internship with MSHA, in any related field to the media and communications.
Due to MSHA not having a Public Relations program, I will get into contact with Bill Denning who is the staff assistant to the regional director in Denver, CO. If given an opportunity to work with Denning personally and a regional director I would make mention and suggest a Public Relations title and job description.

Prepare a presentation for MSHA as to why they do need a Public Relations Professional.
Would make an appointment to speak with Richard Stickler and show a presentation of how a Public Relations Professional would benefit MSHA in all of its overall goals to the media and the public.

Within one year after an internship, I will be working for MSHA, in any job title dealing with media, communications and the public.
I am hoping to obtain the title, Public Relations Professional for MSHA at any location. If not by that title, any, that helps the safety of the mines nationwide and report that to the media and public.


I will be making myself more aware of the laws involved with MSHA and the coalmine industry more closely. I will have to research continually as new laws for safer mines are being passed more frequently. Keep updated with the newest technologies, like the new wireless tracking system. Always know the latest news in the industry.


• I have been underground myself and am familiar with mining equipment (i.e. continuous miner, gehl, longwall machine) as well as the “underground world.” The cross cuts, the man doors, location of where you are (i.e. 3rd east). The jobs that miner’s perform (i.e. roof bolters, longwall, fire boss).
• I have a background of a mining family. My grandfather worked as an inspector and supervisor for MSHA for 28 years. My father currently works underground at Tower Mine located in Price, UT and has 33 years mining experience. As well as many relatives that have worked in coalmines.
• Worked with MSHA employees while employed at UtahAmerican Energy Inc., during the Crandall Canyon Mine Collapse. Have built relationships with many MSHA employees.

• I had a summer internship during the 2007 summer. Did work for three mines that were owned by UtahAmerican Energy Inc. including, WestRidge Resources, Tower Mine and Crandall Canyon.
• When the Crandall Canyon Mine collapsed I was involved with the public, media, the families of the six, government officials, MSHA assistant secretary Richard Stickler, MSHA inspectors, liaison’s and supervisors.
• I was UtahAmerican Energy Inc. family liaison along with my supervisor, Cindy Oveson. I would rely information to the families and obtain any questions, answers or maps of the mine to them. This is the time I worked very closely with high figures in MSHA and with the company I worked for as well.

Passion for Mining Industry
• I would like to strive to do anything to help promote MSHA in a positive image.
• My hero’s in the world are coal miners, especially the nine that were lost. After my time spent at Crandall Canyon and my dad being an underground coal miner I want to work to better the industry in any way I can. Through my ideas of safer mining, to communication more effectively to the media, through getting laws approved for safer regulations.
• This would be a job I would enjoy and work at to improve.