Monday, February 25, 2008

Assignment #2

MSHA Approves First Wireless Tracking System

Part #1
MSHA’s Newsroom

Part #2
My first article shows all positive aspects of the new MineTracer technology. It shows how effective and important the wireless tracking system will benefit the underground coal miners and ensure safety. It enables the location of miners (wirelessly), enables communication through the system, and enables environmental monitoring all in one tracking device.

My second article was positive and neutral. It went more into depth of why the wireless tracking system is needed and stated the fatalities, which had to occur in order for some kind of new technology to be produced and passed. I would say this article is positive in the same way the last article was by stating the advantages it has for miners underground. This article states it has a battery power for up to 48 hours to track miners after power has been shut off in the situation of an emergency.

Article 1
Source: LexisNexis

Article 2
Source: Google,5143,695249435,00.html

Part #3

I found my press release on the Mine Safety and Health Administration website and actually had read the press release before we received our assignment. I started my research with the LexisNexis database and found an article related to the press release, I then looked on Google and found four more articles (I chose the best one!).

I think the news release that MSHA produced was very effective making it newsworthy, especially after the tragedies at Sago and Crandall Canyon Mines. In the second article I posted, it referred to the press release by MSHA, stating information from it. The first article aimed more towards the technology of the wireless tracking system and the features it has, as well as the role of the Miner Act. The second article aimed more towards the purpose of why underground miners need this wireless tracking system, including the installation cost.

Quotes used in the articles were very effective and believable. In the first article, dealing with the wireless tracking system itself, it quoted the Venture’s Wireless Sensor Networks R&D manager, Jim Barrett, on what the system is. He also makes the point to say that, “ [The] system infrastructure as approved by MSHA today addresses the MINER Act requirements.” In the second article it quotes assistant secretary, Richard Stickler on how/why this system is being made today.

My overall thoughts was the impact that a press release can have and how it can produce newsworthy stories and in turn have articles written about the subject holds truth to “a tool in driving strong media attention.”

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